Monday, September 27, 2010

Sweet Dreams or Toothy Nightmares?

Earlier this year, a prophet spoke something into my life by happenstance. Well, not really. God does nothing by happenstance. However, all that happened was that this prophet posted a Word - the word - short and sweet, dropped heavily into my Spirit. In a span of three days, two preachers spoke on two different Words that connected with that Word and God turned some things in my life drastically. If you wanna read about it, it's in the notes on my facebook page ( You might have to become my friend first. Basic concept: you can prepare for the season you are about to enter while you are in this present season of your life. What you are doing in this season has a implicit impact on the next season of your life.

Today, I was reading my super uber talented friends Debutante Ball post (Elise’s Debutante Ball posts) about variety vs. specialization, and realizing that I haven't been chasing my dreams like I should.

I am a person for whom variety is key. I need all of these different types of outlets or I will JUST IMPLODE. I know I will. I will burst into one thousand and two million pieces on the living room carpet while my 6 year old is watching Sid the Science Kid for the umpteenth time, and my daughter is singing yet another song she has composed. They will sweep me up and pour crazy glue over my head and sit me in the chair until I have come to some semblance of myself again in time to fix dinner.

I had been, in this present season - writing at every opportunity, submitting and publishing where there was an interest, and being published - ah! that is the gem. But life gets in the way. Okay, I allow life to get in the way at times. And then my dream starts chasing me IN my dreams. I have positively wonderful chapters in my sleep. I wake up and sometimes write them down, and sometimes don't. I get song lyrics in my dreams. I always write them down, sing them to myself on recording devices so the tunes don't disappear in the mayhem of daily life. Or, sitting in traffic daydreaming, a super plot line RIGHT THERE in the midst of what could have been road rage. And no pursuit on paper at a proper time.

Later, I may get an excellent elaboration on a key point that opens up a theological theory. I take massive notes on my blackberry note application - and should turn this into an article to submit to the right publication, or blog about, or share in another venue. But I let it pass and go to soccer practice, or drama club pick up or homework time; schedule my surgery date with the doctor; work late - skip lunch (my time); etc.

So, what then, shall I do? Well, I will do what I know is best. First, I will adhere to the number one rule in my life. Structure: I have to have it. I have to pray in the morning (and without ceasing, but specifically in the morning as a part of my organizational routine). I have to make lists. I have to order my day by organizing or the day will run haphazardly away. If I can do this, I can make time to write. Somehow, if I miss doing these things, I miss writing - and having time to pursue the variety of writing that I need.

It's time to Rise & Grind, as the very talented and exciting Lauren Artista Luna has planted in my psyche. I will be front and center at Se7en Deadly Sins, on Friday October 22, at the Concourse Hotel 4300 International Gtwy, Columbus, Ohio when the show starts at 8 p.m. (as long as my surgery recovery allows).

It is time, as I have been told by my publisher, to put out the end of year issue of Urban Elements Magazine.

This has been a rocky first year for our freshman publication, but an also wonderful experience altogether. Here is where I get to shine - in so many different ways.

We have the articles. We have the talent. We'll be closing out the year bringing you the 411 on some of the hottest people in the 614/734 area code.  For instance, DJ Delayne Whiteside, repping Slingshot Movement, fresh off a major distribution deal - really driving the industry for Christian hip hop artists worldwide. Slingshot Movement includes Street Pastor Yaves Ellis, Priest, Kambino - just to name a few, if you didn't know.

Delayne Whiteside, aka DJ LayneLuv

I can't tell you to much or I will have to cyber stalk you. I know social media. I can do it.

I have new lyrics that need music, and future bishop Minister Devyn Coleman with music chasing him in his dreams (ha!). I am sure I can coerce Minister John Sorrells (who is usually caught between two conditions when it comes to me: to assist.
Iamgonnaprayforher..becausesheisinneedofmuchprayer..andgetsonmylastchristiannerve and aweee...lookatmychristianfriend...

My sisters, both ordained Ministers, one my Pastor and one my Reverend - and both raised up in the Choir with me - have no choice. If all else fails, I will beg my friend in Christ and music aficionado, Rev. Raymond Wise to help!

And my career....God - you know. Line upon line, precept upon precept. It goes without saying that all of this is in addition to the routine of my life: being a Godchaser; loving and nurturing my children; and any other children God puts in my path; being a good steward and seeking Him daily to improve me. I believe, now help my unbelief. Loving my friends and family and LIVING out loud.

Do you have sweet dreams or toothy nightmares? Let's start now sowing into the next season. Get organized and get busy - It's Elemental!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Get in the Game...

I don't usually fully re-post other people's blogs here...but I have learned how important it is to actually get in the game. If you don't practice what it is you read, what knowledge it is you receive, you will be lost. You will continue to sit at the gate, waiting for somebody to come along and pick you up and deliver you to your final destination. My own Pastor has taught me how incredibly integral it is to practice: read, research, apply practical knowledge in my own order to get results.

So often, we know that we are destined for greatness, but we have no idea how we are supposed to arrive there. Because of that, we just wander through life unfulfilled, waiting for greatness to manifest. We may even be the person who goes to  , quotes Zig Ziglar like he lives with us - but to no avail. The reason is because we do not practice what we receive.

How then, can we practice? You cannot hold in your mind what you cannot envision - and once you envision something, you must capture the vision. Write the vision and make it plain. Why? Once you write it, you can run with it. You cannot run with what you cannot hold. Once you have it in your hand, you can make a plan of action. Then you can practice the plan, daily. Live it.

For example - did you ever run track? I did. If you run relay, you are either the person with the baton or the person waiting for the baton. In either case, you are a part of the ultimate completion of the vision: winning!

If you are waiting for the baton so that you can begin your leg of the race, you have to stand in position, adrenaline pumping, waiting for the advance of the runner with the baton outstretched to hand to you. You see the approach, but you also know that you have to receive that baton just right, or you won't be able to hold it to complete your leg of the race. You have to plan how you will stand, how you will receive, and how you will hold that baton and run with it. You could grab it wrong and it could fall, making you stumble to get it back in hand and lose precious time. Or, it may slip out of your hands because of sweat. You also have to plan how you are going to hand that baton off at the end of your leg of the race if you are not the final runner. The baton is not easy to hold while running the race.

Neither is the vision  easy to fulfill while running this race.  You see the vision, but you don't immediately have the plan for fulfillment. So, write the vision down. Make that part plain. That way you don't have to carry it haphazardly while you run with it.

When you see it.
Put it where you can see it - regularly. You and others, because the Word says - "they that see it"; be careful about those 'they'. Not everybody is worthy to be 'they'. The Word talks about surrounding ourselves with wise counsel. Enough said. I just don't have all day to explain that to you.

Practical application of what you have knowledgeably received. Don't just sit around saying amen, that was a good word. Or, oooh-that was deep. Don't just repeat what you have heard because it sounds philosophically poetic. Practice it. Get in the one of my twitter peeps likes to say - you are not a baller because you declare yourself so - you are a baller because you 'got verifiable game'.

So, that is why I did the repost today: get off the bench. get in the game.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

He is about 12 years old, but his appearance suggests he is more like 24 years old

At the library, and the employees are having the most difficult time with the volunteers in the children's section. The young boy has been on break since I got here, playing a video game on the computer. I have been helping Elijah on the computer for a good 30 minutes, and he was already well into his game when I got here.

Rule #1: When our young black males reach the age of 12/grade level of 6th/7th they begin to take on the body and shape of young men. They become in appearance not 'boys' or 'children', but 'men'. Their attitudes cannot be that of disdain, entitlement, or nonchalance. Those attitudes, in combination with their new physical appearance, with which they are not yet accustomed, nor comfortable, add up to a phenomenon that has caused the African American society to lose a large number of young black males at this age.

Lose them how? They become mentally and physically disengaged from the socialization process. They become accustomed to the reaction and treatment society is indoctrinated to respond toward their actions with, and they retreat from every aspect of community and society.

Am I postulating? Nope. This is a studied phenomenon, reported and related to those of us who care to read and/or listen.

Have I witnessed it with my own eyes? Yes, I have. It is the age at which we have to be especially cognizant (as if that isn't every age, but even more so at this time) of what is going on in the life of a young black man-child, and surround him with positive influences, stay active in his life. It is the time when he wants most to be left alone, that we have NOT leave him alone. It is the time when we have to make sure that when he is volunteering at the library, he is not feeling entitled to spend his time on 'break' playing a computer game, and mumbling under his breath about why he should have to report his break time to the librarian in charge.

Why? Because if we lose them at this age in school, we lose them TO an even worse fate. If you are not in school, or volunteering in the summer time, or in a summer program, or at your first job, where are you? Somewhere with idle hands, and an idle mind, which are what? The devils workshop. And who has the most creative, intelligent minds of all humankind? are following me.

Our penal system is full of young black males who we lost at this critical age, and they right now subject to what Michelle Alexander terms 'The New Jim Crow' laws.

I am at the library with my son, and someone else's. I had a little talk with him. Had to do it. It was my responsibility, and my hope, that he would not be lost.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On Purpose, Not by Chance

My goals are simple nowadays. I intend to live on purpose, by purpose, and in purpose.

Chance and opportunity do meet and make doors open, but if you don’t have any purpose, nothing happens when you walk into that door. You are just there.

On top of that, when others find out that you intend to live on purpose, they often intend to make it their purpose to intersect your suggestion of progression. They will say things like, I just want to make sure you are doing what is right. Or, have you really thought this through? Even the most well intentioned people will say ‘only what you do for Christ will last,’ without knowledge or care whether what you are doing is for Christ or lice…it just doesn’t agree with their preconceived notion of ‘what you do for Christ’.

And as if that were not enough, we often get in our own way. We find an any and a body to blame for us not living on purpose. EVERYbody is standing in the way of our purpose. That is when it is REALLY time to look at ourselves. Whenever you find yourself blaming a lot of people because you didn’t get here or there or get to do this or that, STOP: HAMMER TIME. Sit down and write down what you have been saying. Then find yourself in it.

When the Word says ‘write the vision and make it plain so that he who reads it can run with it and not grow weary’ – it means all the visions. Your vision of how your life is not what it should be because of every and body standing in the way of you and your destiny. If you just go on ahead and write that down and make it plain, you can spend the rest of your life getting on purpose.

Here is what I mean by living on purpose, by purpose, and in purpose:

• On purpose: Don’t let choices make you. Don’t just let your day happen, have a plan for your day. Get up with praise on your lips, order your day by going to the Author and Finisher of your faith before anything else can happen and do it on purpose. Then, speak your day into order – those things that are not as if they were. Today, I am going to do A, B & C.

• By purpose: Know what your purpose here is – you are not of this world, you are just in it. You didn’t grow out of the grass, you were born. With a purpose. So live by your purpose – If your purpose is to encourage other people – live by that purpose. Live by your own purpose. Encourage yourself. If your purpose is to clothe other people (and believe me, this does fall in line with the purposes of God – you have to seek Him to know how, that is not mine to tell you) clothe yourself. Live by your purpose. If your purpose is to teach others the Word of God, fill yourself with the living Word. Live by your purpose.

• In purpose: Walk in your purpose – others see that and are drawn to it. It becomes who you are – purpose and destiny. My sister always says ‘walk in your blessing’. So much so, that I say it without hesitation now. Walk in your blessing – walk in your purpose. Seek out the opportunity to walk in your purpose. Do you have poetry in your soul? Did you know that one of the signs of a prophet or a preacher is that gift of language? Poetry?

What I am learning over a period of time and loss, because God makes miracles out of mess, is that now is the time to refocus on purpose. Lots of people and things have happened to me, but if God be for me, who can be against me? Look for the purpose in whatever is going on in your life right now – it is there – and …..

Let your life be about purpose, not about chance.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Your Shine.....

Do you have a blessed intellectual talented charismatic holistic personality? You have a few bonafide friends, lots of associates, and only one true confidante. You are the go-to person. Mostly, you like to build relationships, but you find that others are often unreliable in relationships. They start out with good intentions but they find something that they need to change about you down the road and it becomes detrimental to the alliance, unless you are willing to take repeated malignment (by the way, this is an abusive relationship - get out).
While your efficient proactive consistent personality attracts the attention of others, it also compels them to challenge you. At times, it also seems to fill others with the desire to bend you to their will – or, in short – to change you. Then, when they cannot because of the dynamics of your transformer like personality, when all parts are working together, they begin to think of you – and I dare say – refer to you, as its acronym: Blessed Intellectual Talented Charismatic Holistic?
Let’s talk about it. It’s Elemental.

I can relate. Having confident characteristics is not something you have done; it is something you have been gifted with. It is not to be conceited, nor loud and pushy. It is but to walk in grace and knowledge, with discernment -- and to apply those with understanding. Having done those repeatedly, attention will be drawn to you. Not of your own doing, but because of what is being done through and in you. My made up conglomerate business owner friend Opulence would say through your higher power. I am going to tell you the truth – it is a gift of God.

When you are young or even older and don’t know what wonderful and reverent gifts you have, you may find that you have a hard time making and keeping friends, especially of the same sex. You may find that the opposite sex is attracted to you, pulled to you even – and almost reverent of everything you say or do – until they have consumed of your gift. Then, the desire to reverence will transform into the desire to cage or change those gifts. Mostly, this is because they were never drawn to you for the purpose of consuming your gifts, but for the purpose of your gifts put to use.

You may also find that these qualities frighten you, because you don’t understand them. Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is dead. The whole thing was doomed from the gate if you don't have some knowledge and understanding about who and whose you are. Ultimately, the end is destruction because you don’t know who you are, and what you are made of – and those that are drawn to you just want to possess your gifts.

That is why, and finally we get to these points, it is essential to:
a. Know who we are – every person needs the knowledgeable understanding of who they are – in whose image are you created?
b. Know as much about your history as you possibly can – knowing the history of you and of your family helps you gain an understanding of your characteristics.

c. Understand that your personality, your characteristics are a gift of God. Find out that if God gives you a gift, if has a purpose. People are drawn to you for the USE of your gift, not the CONSUMPTION of your gift. When you consume something that is not yours, it makes you sick.

d. Do not…wait, let me do that again. DO NOT let anyone else define who you are. No man or woman holds the definition of you. And don’t bend and buckle and apologize for the wonder of who you are because they don’t shine.

e. Teach these understandings from the womb to the cradle, to the classroom, to the curbside, and on…. 
That’s what’s on my mind, and It’s Elemental. What are you thinking about?






Thursday, February 11, 2010

John Mayers Peter channels Duke plus He passes in the hood

You know, I have been on the verge of liking this dude for a long time, but just could not step over the precipice. My mind, body, and soul just could not climb aboard in agreement of the célèbre cause. Now I know why. John Mayer is a classic idiot. He just doesn’t have a sheet or an office.

In his recent interview with Playboy magazine, to add to his ridiculous ramblings that continue to amass to amazing A-Hole Academy Magna Cum Laude levels of achievement, he likened his penis to a 'white supremacist'. Mayer, when asked if he dated black women, said "I've got a....David Duke cock."

Now, it would be unfair of me not to give you the whole quote, wouldn’t it? It would be as if I was omitting words to make Mayer's statement sound worse than what it actually was, huh? Okay - here goes his full statement:

"I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock"
Alright. Maybe I am being a lil harsh on a broth....e...r....After all, Mayer said, in the same interview, he has a hood pass. Or, actually - someone asked him what it felt like to have a hood pass. Mayer's actual statement was that if one actually had a hood pass, 'you could call it a nigger pass.' Yeah. He took to twitter to apologize for that 'intellectual' slip up. 'Black people love me.' Okay, David, I mean, John.
Here is a word to the unwise for Mr. John Mayer. Black people do not love you. Black people, White people, Yellow people, and the rest of the Benetton nation, love music. You, son, are not the only white boy with a piano and voice.
Now - having said that, I am sure a bunch of folks will say, awe, John is not a racist. He was just drunk, or his humor is just dry, or he didn’t mean it like that. This, folks, is what we call 'acceptable racism' because it was unintentional. It is kind of like unintentional murder. Awe. He didn’t mean to kill her. He was just shooting and she got in the way. Awe..He didn’t mean to teach his kids to torture interracial kids at school. He was just saying at home that he didn’t condone interracial dating and the (insert hood pass word here) should stay with their own kind. They took it the wrong way.
Who gives a flying fish egg? If President Obama farts right in a left flying wind - he meant to start a smell Tsunami.

He sings real good. He collaborates with them 'en's from the hood. Let it go - I guess we should. We don't want to miss his Wonderwood. Your Body Idiocy is a Wonderland?

If you want to talk about it, let's do that. It's Elemental!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A New Spending Plan

I am sitting at my desk, drinking my smoldering cup of Starbucks tea, perusing my Franklin planner, working on my tasks list. It is snowing outside, and my neighbor and friend has briefly kidnapped my kids to build snow people in the backyard. Thank God that He has given us all diverse gifts. I would be making hot chocolate, but my daughter, Bobbi, detests chocolate, and Elijah, my 5 year old, will drink tea. I am just glad for this moment of solitude. Amazingly enough, my employer actually released us (yes as if from bondage) an hour early today.
You know how we go haywire when it snows in Columbus - emptying out grocery stores, filling up vehicles with gas, buying all the shovels and sidewalk salt - everybody is probably at home this evening, enjoying these same kinds of moments. It got me to thinking this might be God's way of improving the economy and creating instant family time.

I also think this weather may give some a chance to do something else that is very important. Rethink how you will spend your tax refund. It's definitely that time of year. I have some principals I have developed to help me deal effectively with any lump sum of money that falls into my hands (anybody who wants to throw some at me and watch me apply the principals, feel free to do so). I had to develop some principals early on, because I refuse to have a hand full of money one day, and the next day have nothing to show for that but a really, really nice jacket and some hotttt stilettos.
Ebeths Principal 1. Calculate - Calculate my tax return. Once I have done that, there are a couple of more calculations I need to perform. 10% is a really good round number, so I tend to use it for a lot of calculations. Follow me here - if my tax return is $5000 (we will round here for the sake of simplicity), 10% is a great number for an offering, a really grand number for both of my kids college savings plans, and a decent number for our emergency savings account. Those four 10% will decrease my return amount to $3000. That is not bad considering the investment that I have just made in the future of my family.
Ebeths Principal 2. Pay Up - I know that it is property tax time. Since my home is paid for, if I go ahead and pay the property tax for half the year, I won't need to worry about that. In addition to that, considering this economy, if there are any other bills that need to be caught up - catch them up. I don't care who tells you to do what with your income tax return - if you have outstanding debts and you can catch them up, do it. This is not a windfall, this is your money. Use it wisely to gain back steady footing.

So, at this point you may have $1000 left from that $5000 return. This is still more than you had when you didn’t have it.

Ebeths Principal 3. Forecast - Look at your immediate future. Does your car need a tune up, maintenance, an oil change? Get it now. Does your child have a trip to the dentist coming up - braces? Keep some of those funds in the bank for that time.

And finally, my final principal for income tax returns...

Ebeth's Principal 4. Budget an amount for yourself, and your family, to spend on something nice. An evening out? Tickets to see Dream Girls? Spa Day? One thing that is going to rejuvenate your spirit and soul, and encourage you, each of you.

I know that our government wants us to go out and spend, spend, spend to stimulate economic growth. But that is why we are in the mess we are in - I admonish you to make a plan. Think about it and use your return wisely, to benefit yourself and your family.
So ------>here is the plan - create your own Principals. Do what works for you. I tighten mine up yearly, depending on whether there is a return or the size of said return. The most important thing is that you make a plan that ends with most of your funds being used in a way that results in a measurable end. The same way you do with your monthly income. Right?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ministry or Menace-2-Me?

Disclaimer: First, let me say up front - I am a firm believer in the personal faith of an individual. I believe that if you stand on your measure of faith, God is going to reward that measure of faith. He can work within the measure of faith with which you are meted. If you have the faith of a mustard seed, God can work with that. If you have the faith of the field from which sprouted that mustard seed, God can work with that. The faith of the individual is not my question. Disclaimer noted and ended.

I want to hear your thoughts on this – because in these days we need to be oh so careful. Did anybody see the movie Eli? What good does it profit a man to gain the world, if he loses his soul? Be on alert out there people. The world wants us to think all kinds of behaviors are acceptable, which are not.

Here, now, is my theory. Okay, I fudge just a little. It is in the Word. False prophets are among us. When a Minister, Pastor, Prophet or Apostle – all self proclaimed or proclaimed by men wearing the right garb, says something like:

Those of you who have $100, come up to the offering right now. God is calling for those who have $100 to come to the offering right now. He said there are at least 15 of you here tonight with $100 for the offering.

Is that ministry or menace to me? I cannot see any evidence of that happening in the word.

Or, say for instance, an appropriately deep and rumble-voiced speaker of the Word (who may or may not be a doer thereof as well) says to the congregation, friends and visitors:

God wants you to write that check tonight in faith. Where is your faith, oh ye of little faith? Do you not believe? Write your check on faith believing that He will provide. Bring your offering now.

Is that ministry or menace to me? I cannot see any evidence of that happening when I read the word. 

Okay, let’s move away from the money for a minute, because money brings power, and power corrupts absolutely and absolute power corrupts.

Let’s move toward relationship. I will tread lightly here, but I want to also say that any similarity to those living or passed on is a tragic coincidence and therefore not intended.

                Now, say the leader of the, is ministering to a couple whose relationship is in danger. Notice I didn’t specify marriage, but we can even suppose that this is a married couple. Just for the sake of it, let’s do Couple A: Married; Couple B: Unmarried.

Couple A: Married….A couple of issues, as most marriages will have. Minister counsels that all marriages have issues, however, God is the center of the marriage, so therefore if we turn to him for the council of these issues with realistic visions of the work involved on both parts, and are true to each other and the task at hand, this to shall pass and that which does not kill us, will make us stronger. There may have been some infidelity involved. Minister tells couple, both parties are involved. Can two walk together less they agree? We have work ahead of us, but if you were fully committed to what you said in front of God, and the people you loved, and some of the people that you actually luvvedd previously, then you can be successful. Grow up and grow UP.

Couple B. Unmarried…Well one party is unmarried. The other one is separated, but has made a new relationship with this woman. This couple seeks the council of the married person’s pastor, and the unmarried person’s pastor.

Married person’s pastor:  You all need to go to church together and get close to the Lord and study his word together. That is what is wrong; you need to go to Church regularly and to the same church. Y’all need to be here every Sunday and on Wednesday’s for Bible Study.

Unmarried person’s pastor:  First of all, this person belongs to a union, and this ain’t it. Therefore, this union you all are in is wrong. Period. Point blank. I am gonna keep it real for you – that’s not according to my word, it’s according to God’s word. Secondly – we need to do some work on you as individuals – one, because your self worth is an issue, which means you don’t know whose image you are created in, and to whom you belong – and it ain’t somebody else’s spouse. I don’t care how long they have been separated, special rated, pro rated, or fornicating. You got to get your own.

Now, which one of these is ministering and which one is a menace to us?

Let me hear your thoughts on this...It's Elemental that we discuss it..............

Friday, January 15, 2010

Weighing in - Is this A Punishment for Haiti?

So, you know I had to talk about it, right? First, let me share Pat Robertson's quote so that we are all on the same page. Then, let me share my thoughts.........

Here is what Pat said.....
"And you know, Christy, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French, you know, Napoleon III and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. ‘They said, we will serve you, if you get us free from the French.’ True story. And so the devil said, ‘OK, it’s a deal.’ And they kicked the French out, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free, and ever since they have been cursed by one thing after the other, desperately poor. That Island of Hispaniola is one island cut down the middle. On the one side is Haiti is the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etc. Haiti is in desperate poverty, same islands. They need to have, and we need to pray for them, a great turning to God. And out of this tragedy, I’m optimistic something good may come, but right now we’re helping the suffering people, and the suffering is unimaginable." (source)
I want to share a little bit about Haiti. Haiti is a richly historic land. It is the land of the most successful slave rebellion in history, which led in that nation's becoming the 2nd independent nation in the Western Hemisphere, and the 1st black governed republic. 

Haiti's progressiveness in rebellion against slavery directly affected the anti-slavery movement in the United States, greatly influencing The Louisiana Purchase and the American Civil War. (source)

Haiti is also a third world country - the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living below the poverty line, and it is 50% poorer than Nicaragua, which is the next closest Country. 

Haiti is a country where witchcraft, voodoo and Satanism exist and are widely practiced. Nearly half of the population practices voodoo. Roman Catholics make up 80% of the population...yeah, that equals more than 100%...It's a long explanation, but if you belong to any denomination, it is sort of akin to how only 100 members fill your pews any given Sunday, but your actual role reported to the denomination says 300 members belong to your church....It has to do with French rule over Haiti in the 1800's, trying to limit the religion of Voodoo and force Catholicism on Haitians. Initially, the French allowed 'dances' on weekends - which were Voodoo ritual, but forced the conversion to Catholicism. Eventually, the French waged war on Voodoo, which was unsuccessful, and so you have a combination of Catholic practice with Voodoo characteristics and dual membership to religious sector. 
Yeah - it's a full study - and you can look more into it if you like... (source).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Peezy's Place w/the Juice - It's Elemental

#BlogTalkRadio -

Have you ever been to Peezy's Place w/the Juice? If you haven't you, need to visit. I promise you will NOT regret it. If you wanna hear AND talk about some of the most up to the minute, cutting edge hot topics, no holds barred, in the community? If you want to be a part of the conversation, and have a lot of laughs and learn something at the same time? You need to stroll on down and kick it with Peeze and Juice. 
Just earlier this week, I was there kicking it with Sweet D, in New York; Teach, right here in Columbus (Big Ups, Ladies) Peezy himself, and various callers. The show really covered what is trending in our community right now
  • chivalry as an implemented training vs. innate behavior
  • position and role reclamation, both in relationships and community
  • keys to keeping it real among ourselves - cutting off dead weight. Neutral is an energy drainer.
  • keeping it originally sexy;
  • and let us not forget - It's a New Decade - new things are on the horizon... 
I had just missed RealTalk Tiff and Seangotem, who has been dubbed Papa Smurf - because believe me, Peezy is gonna give you a name. If you don't come through with one that fits you, you are getting one. Yeah, Peez, I know I have been monikered Lizzy Liz. I'm cool with that.
Really, tho - these is where heads get together and really talk, laugh, listen, hash it up. On line radio is where it's at (look for my article in the first edition of Urban Elements Magazine) and Peezy's Place does not disappoint.

If you wanna meet the crew in person, stop by Adobe Gila's at Easton on any given Wednesday evening for the Happy Hour event, and join them and 107.5 at the Funny Bone for the Comedy Show. This is the best thing going in Columbus for unadulterated networking and fun - and the best kept secret. Hands down.

If you haven't kicked it with Peezy and Juice - you haven't kicked it. It's early in 2010...don't sleep on it...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Coming Back Home - PJ23

Growing up, my sisters and I went to catholic school. My Great Grandmother was catholic, and she mandated that her granddaughters go to catholic school. Initially, my mom was a little hesitant, but after my sister put a little boys hair in a ponytail at because he had 'girl hair', she went along with my Granny's desire, and we got skirted up and shipped off to Pope John XXIII. Pope John was really just one school in a trio -their was the Primary school, Pope John; the secondary school, St. Dominic, and the middle school, Holy Rosary. When you got to Holy Rosary, you were pretty big time, because you graduated from 8th grade and went on to one of the catholic diocese high schools. This was our life. We went to catholic school and our father was a Methodist Preacher.

Our mother wanted to make sure she selected a catholic school for us that had a nice sized population of black kids. She did her research and found out that Pope John was the place. My Dad volunteered for bingo, drove the sports carpools, and my house was the sleepover house. This was only because we were not allowed to go further than the front porch, so everybody was allowed to come to our house. That's what happens when you are the father of 7 girls. They have to stay within shout distance so you can keep them safe.

My sister and I all graduated from 8th grade and went on to high school. The twins, 5 years older than me, went on to graduate from Father Joseph Wehrle High school. I started out there, but graduated from East High School. The diocese shut down Pope John the year after my 8th grade class graduated, and subsequently shut down Wehrle. Both were closed partly out of a desire to save money, and partly because the kids who attended these schools were predominantly economiclly disadvantaged, and therefore when schools went on the chopping block, these were the first to be shed.

Then Maurice posted that he was thinking about a reunion. Sina and I had been talking about how much fun it would be for a few years. So we posted it on facebook and started putting out feelers for interested parties. And set a meeting date.

You know how you feel when you go back to your childhood home, after you have been gone home for a long time? I had that feeling Monday evening. About 12 of us gathered across the pews of Praise Temple CME Church, meeting to organize
The 1st PJ23 Reunion
- A reunion that is going to span primary, elementary and middle school, and bring back together a family.

The first part of the meeting was spent laughing and catching up, the whole while being videotaped, until we finally got down to business. The magic of the whole thing was that as each person entered the building - whether we saw each other last week or 10 years ago - there was no hesitation. The relationship - the communication - picked up like yesterday.

Yes, the evident maturity of each person was witnessed, but the basic essence of who we were, the structure that catholic school gave us, and the lessons that tied us together - the fraternity of PJ23 - superceded everything.

Then Michael said - whenever I see anyone from PJ23, it's just like I'm already home.

A couple weeks ago, my colleagues and I had a conversation about how you lose track of the people you grew up with, and the people you go to college with. I was amazed at what I was hearing - because I have friends I have known since kindergarten. Friends I love like I love.I credit my ability to develop long lasting relationships to what I learned at Pope John XXIII - this is a family.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Klatch Me If You Can...

I anticipated attending BLAKstar’s Klatch ( on the 2nd Saturday in January. I was waiting for it like a small child waits for a snow day – which happened that same week as well. I was ready for two reasons: First, I was at the first Klatch dedicated to the discussion of relationships, when the panel of men took questions from all women about relationships, etc. It was hot like fire, and the men held up well and gave good headgame. I was anxious to see what the ladies would bring.

The second reason was that BLAKstar's Shené Brownlee and Mealee Thomas, the able orators and hosts of the event, had contacted my sister and Pastor Tersa T. Leigh (@TLeigh2703), to sit on the panel.

Always arrive with an expectation, my people – set the atmosphere to respond to your need. As usual, I was late – but Lorine Bolds, Urban Elements Staff Writer, and my big Sis Theresa saved me a seat. Already priming the spot for the discussion was SoDebNair from FreshFace Radio ( for an excellent take on this event), and Darrell James photographing.

BLAKstar set the mood and environment the same way as they did for the fellas, and they gave the emailed, texted, tweeted and called-in questions from men (mostly) to the ladies. The panel, diverse women at different stages in life, well versed in relationships, took the questions and as ladies are wont to do, sliced them up in the air, and laid them down delectably on the plate – served up Queen style for dinner.

What did we learn from the discourse? That relationships take commitment, work, faith, and 'hot sex' on both parts. Also, though women and men seem confident about what they think the opposite sex wants from a relationship, we are still missing the mark on the high five. There are some issues on which we just do not communicate or interpret the need and/or the want well enough. Confronted with this issue, the men spoke well about how relationships take work, continual work - but not nagging. Of course, they agreed, if you are on task, her desires wont ever become nagging. Good talk.

Two questions were asked of both panels the very same way: What does a man need from a woman in a relationship? Is chivalry dead, and did women kill it?

When the men answered these questions, they talked explicitly about needing respect, a partner, a woman who loves God, and the women touched upon these very same things, and even threw in that men need hot sex, too. But there was one thing the men emphasized needing that the women never even hinted at knowing: a goal. The men said, ‘give me something to do. Give me a task, a goal, something that needs an end result. A purpose.’ Not one woman touched upon that.

When asked what women need from a man – women were resoundingly clear in a few common requests: honesty, clarity, a relationship with God, a plan. Most women agreed they could work through almost anything, as long as they knew their mate was being honest with them.

Both parties agreed that most dishonesty in relationships is a result of past relationship or emotional hurt. Loving yourself is key to being able to love someone else.

With the question of chivalry, I am glad to report that chivalry is not dead. Chivalry does not live in some neighborhoods. What we learned was really summed up by a gentleman in the audience, who said “I teach my sons that taking out garbage is not an option – it’s a responsibility; that their mother should never clean off her own car in the winter; and she should never carry a basket of laundry to the laundry room.” Chivalry is not dead – it’s the teachers that are in high demand. “Single mothers,” he said “date your sons. Take them out and teach them what a date is supposed to be.”

What we walked away with as well is the understanding that we create the expectation of what is and is not acceptable in a relationship for ourselves, and therefore for our children. We also set the expectation for chivalry and for relational acceptances in our communities - WE do that. So, it is our job to carry ourselves with the full weight of that knowledge - not as a burden - as a right.

Finally, the most dynamic part of this discourse, which is what a Klatch is all about, was the intercourse between all active members of the audience and the panel – every person left with something from the discussion, and excited about the exchange.

I think this dynamic is going to make February’s Klatch that much more worthwhile as the discussion continues. I promise you - this is an event you want to put on your calendar. Be at the Method Gallery, atop Urban Spirits Cafe, on February 13, 2010 - it might make for a lovely foreplay to Valentine's Day!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ohio - Still Leaders...In Human Trafficking

Have you heard this before? You should have - it is the same information that has been reported for the last 3 years and probably will be reported again this year.

A 2007 Rand Corporation report has identifed Ohio, specifically Columbus and Toledo, as prime for the recruitment and kidnapping of sex trafficking victims. Ohio has been identified as a hub for human trafficking.

These numbers are from 2007 - and we have just stepped into 2010.

Nearly four years before that, in late 2003, a Cleveland teenage girl was abducted at gunpoint downtown and driven to Detroit, where she was kept with other girls who were being forced to have sex with men in exchange for food and money.

In 2006, federal authorities broke up a prostitution ring in Toledo that abused girls and young women smuggled into the United States. Near Cleveland in March, a police traffic stop found a driver and passengers, including a terrified 23-year-old woman, in a car that came from Mexico. The woman, disoriented and pregnant, told rape counselors through an interpreter that instead of finding her family, she was forced into prostitution.

There have been cases of young girls being trafficked from Columbus to all points, including West Virginia, the aforementioned Michigan, New York and nationally.

Federal law prohibits human trafficking, and the U.S. Department of Justice has urged each state to make its own statute. Twenty-seven states have. Ohio's bill is pending. It has been since 2003.

So what happens when child prostitutes are located or found?

The only way to ensure a good chance of recovery for these children is placement in a residential treatment program. Right now there are only three in the United States: in New York, California and Georgia.

“When America’s child prostitutes are identified by the FBI or police, they are incarcerated for whatever reason possible, whether it be an unrelated crime or ‘material witness hold,’ ” said Lois Lee, founder of one of the three centers, Children of the Night in Los Angeles.

“Then they are dumped back in the dysfunctional home, ill-equipped group home or foster care, and (often) disappear back into the underground of prostitution with no voice.”

Experts say victims struggle to find care once they escape an industry that could involve as many as 300,000 U.S. children.(Gracehaven) this more of your tax dollars at work? Let's see:
1. Discover the problem - billions of dollars - Pookie and 'em coulda told you about it. They have seen it happening because the girls abducted are not mostly living in Wexley.

2. Do a big giant report about it - billions of more dollars - Lil Cease and them coulda wrote it like a rap. They are not doing anything else. Them and Foxy plus Kim have LOTS of time.

3. Quote the report throughout the media for 3, going on 4 years. And use the same 2 paragraphs to quote from, as well. I found the same quote in 4 articles from 4 distinctly different mainstream media sources. Hmm.....any third grader could have done that. That way, you don't have to read past the first couple of pages of the report. Or you can just use the AP Wire.

4. Start a 'Say No to Human Trafficking Campaign' and do some busts - arrest the young girls to get them out of the critical situation. Billions of dollars
- black bullet proof vests, $5.3 Million;
Black bad ass sunglasses to deflect the glare of sun when you bust prostitute rings $2.5 Million;
herding little girls into jail and holding them long enough to place them back into equally bad situations with no help, no counseling resources, because there are only 3 residential treatment centers for women/girls in this condition in the United States, privately founded. NO HELP - priceless.

But I bet you the IRS is busy checking the taxes of every taxpaying U.S. citizen back to 2003 for discrepancies.

So, herein lies the issue - how do you help? How to become a part of the solution that probably affects some of our urban elements more than it does some of those that are not so urban?

Salvation Army:

According to


Living with Employer
Poor Living Conditions
Multiple People in Cramped Space
Inability to Speak to an Individual Alone
Employer Holding Identity Documents
Signs of Physical Abuse
Submissive or Fearful
Unpaid or Paid Very Little
Under 18 and in Prostitution
Heavy security at the commercial establishment including barred windows, locked doors, isolated location, electronic surveillance. Women are never seen leaving the premises unless escorted.

Victims live at the same premises as the brothel or work site or are driven between quarters and "work" by a guard. For labor trafficking, victims are often prohibited from leaving the work site, which may look like a guarded compound from the outside.
Victims are kept under surveillance when taken to a doctor, hospital or clinic for treatment; trafficker may act as a translator.

High foot traffic especially for brothels where there may be trafficked women indicated often by a stream of men arriving and leaving the premises.

When you see these kinds of signs - call somebody and report them. Call them back. Then call them again.

Call the Mayor's hotline. He left the Rally against teen violence early. He's available. 311

Call the FBI action line.

Or just attend this event:

“January 11, 2010 - National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Event"
at OSU from 1:00 - 8:30 PM
at The Ohio State University, College of Social Work
Stillman Hall, Room 115.
Featuring Speakers: Michelle Hannan and Theresa Flores,
filmscreening of: Playground
panel discussion
Open to the Public

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Agenda
January 11, 2010
1:00 - 8:30 PM
The Ohio State University, College of Social Work
Stillman Hall, Room 115

Where is safety? I thought this was the refuge

Now, if we are not safe in the church house on New Years Eve, where are we safe? The Church is a refuge. How dare some idiot be outside firing a gun anywhere in the proximity and a CHILD lose his life? Is there a way that the shell can be traced back to the gun? Where is McGyver? Where is CSI or NCSI or any other investigative crime unit, real or imaginery?

You probably know what I am talking about already, but in case you don't - here is a snippet:

A four-year-old boy has died after a bullet fired from up to five kilometres away fell through a church roof and struck him in the head.

Marquel Peters was playing a portable video game at the church in Decatur, Georgia, on New Year’s Eve when he suddenly slumped to the ground and began bleeding profusely, US networks report.

His parents sitting next to him had no idea what was happening as they leant down and spotted a gaping wound in his head.

“I saw his Nintendo game fall on the floor, and I heard a sound and I heard him scream a little bit and I looked around and all I saw was blood coming from his head,” said Marquel’s mother Nathalee Peters.

Read more:

Where do you weigh in on this? What does it prove that you can point a gun up in the air without a thought that a bullet has to come down? That you are a complete waste of brain matter without conscience thought that your action does indeed have far reaching consequence, whether you are there to answer for it or not? Too late now to say you are sorry. What about Marquel? What about his family? When are we going to understand that it is time to find a new way to show our bravado?

You know the column that often appears in magazines that shows what is in and what is out for this season? Organizing and being proactive in your community? IN....Standing around with big guns and shooting up in the air like you are big ish? OUT......Player please.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bigger and Better(?)

So, we are now succinctly placed into a new year. No more getting ready for it, it's here. What are you gonna do about it? You have a full year behind you, and I am sure you can recall what you were doing last year at this time. Was it in any way similar to what you are doing right now? Then, there might be an issue. Something, at least, should have changed in a years time.

Did you set goals? I have a friend who, every year on her birthday instead of getting dressed to go out and kick it, spends the day revisiting her life goals, going over her budget plan, and assessing how well she is doing according to the plan. You can only do this if you have a plan.

This also brings up another question - at what age do you STOP strapping on stilettos or shining up your best italian leather kicks and going out on your birthday? What is that definite year? What is the line in the sand - because somebody needs to post it at some spots in Columbus.

Okay, I digress. Back to the question at hand - how well do you set personal growth goals, assess your budget and stick to it, and live according to your means and not your 'Seen-it-got-to-have-its'.

We are in a lot of the condition, economically and socially because of the entitlement of others. The reason it is not succesful is because it is not true - to be entitled means somebody owes you something.

We spend a lot of time saying we work hard so we deserve to go out, we deserve to buy those shoes, we deserve whatever the immediate satisfaction is - but that is an illusion of entitlement. We don't deserve anything - it is not our inalienable right to have $80 hairdos and $45 mani/pedi's every week or every other. Not true. Myth. Really. You made it up.

So, tell me, how does this fit all together into your goals for 2010? And how far are you from where you where at this time in 2009.

Give Me The Light: ACHORO Travel Makeup Mirror Review

I have been looking for a compact mirror with great lighthing to help me when I want to put on makeup, eyelashes, check out my skin to see...