Just earlier this week, I was there kicking it with Sweet D, in New York; Teach, right here in Columbus (Big Ups, Ladies) Peezy himself, and various callers. The show really covered what is trending in our community right now
- chivalry as an implemented training vs. innate behavior
- position and role reclamation, both in relationships and community
- keys to keeping it real among ourselves - cutting off dead weight. Neutral is an energy drainer.
- keeping it originally sexy;
- and let us not forget - It's a New Decade - new things are on the horizon...
I had just missed RealTalk Tiff and Seangotem, who has been dubbed Papa Smurf - because believe me, Peezy is gonna give you a name. If you don't come through with one that fits you, you are getting one. Yeah, Peez, I know I have been monikered Lizzy Liz. I'm cool with that.
Really, tho - these is where heads get together and really talk, laugh, listen, hash it up. On line radio is where it's at (look for my article in the first edition of Urban Elements Magazine) and Peezy's Place does not disappoint.
If you wanna meet the crew in person, stop by Adobe Gila's at Easton on any given Wednesday evening for the Happy Hour event, and join them and 107.5 at the Funny Bone for the Comedy Show. This is the best thing going in Columbus for unadulterated networking and fun - and the best kept secret. Hands down.
If you haven't kicked it with Peezy and Juice - you haven't kicked it. It's early in 2010...don't sleep on it...
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